Reiki / Hands on Healing 

Rei Spiritual wisdom

Ki Life force energy

Jordana is Level I& II Certified in Reiki in addition to the table work Barbara Brennan method. She blends the session with her own interpretation of how our energy fields / auras connect when we are in close proximity.

“I follow the 7 armor segments of the body, from feet to crown, energetically supporting the client into alignment toward healing, as well as clearing, balancing, and renewing the energy field that supports physical and emotional health.”

- JT

Hands On Healing (HOH) touches every aspect of a person’s life to improve the quality of life.  Barbara Brennan’s technique is rooted in Core Energetics and Pathwork. This is where all bodywork, the 5 personality pattern work and Reiki coalesce. Make an appointment to see if HOH is right for you!



Sound healing is the use of specific instruments (Crystal singing bowls, chimes, frame drums) music, tones, and other sonic vibrations to balance and unify & heal the body, mind, and spirit. It involves using specialized sound frequencies to create a therapeutic atmosphere to promote deep rest, emotional tension & trauma release, & nervous system rebalancing.

Sound healing works by activating the parasympathetic nervous system – the opposite of the stress responses of Disassociation, Fight, Flight, Freeze & Fawn . It slows down your breath rate, your heart rate and even your brainwaves, putting you into an almost trance-like state through the phenomina of Entrainment : The vibrational frequency of two objects in contact will frequently fall into sync. When the frequencies are the same, its called 'resonance'. But when a vibrational body of a stronger resonance influences another in its field, leading the beat so to speak, it's called entrainment.

“As the Lead Mentor & Energy Minister for TSHA (The Sound Healers Academy 23-24) I had the honor of working directly with Susy Markoe Schieffelin (The Copper Vessel). Her impeccable leadership and the program she developed inspired my profound respect for POWER of sound and vibrational healing as a key component in Nervous System Recalibration and overall thriving wellness.”